At the mall, with Anne & Zachary, all dressed up for “Malloween” (okay, only Z was dressed up in costume), I noticed a man walking with a blind woman. Malloween is Halloween at the Mall. This is a little oxymoronic for me, since I always see people dressed curiously when I am at the mall. Some obviously dress to have people meet them and some dress obviously to make sure that no one ever meets them, ever. Or even talks to them. And then some whose fashion sense is dictated predominantly by the proximity of clothing. “This shirt is hanging above these jeans, so they must go together...” This is me.
Back to the couple of which one was blind. Now, I don't know if “blind”is still PC, or if I should refer to them as visually challenged, but anyway ... this couple struck me. I don't know if they were dating, engaged, married, friends, or siblings. There was nothing to obviously indicate either. If they were from the hills of Georgia, they may have been all of these. But there was something unique in them. Something unfamiliar yet comforting. Like a quilt. I’m not a fan of quilts - I don't dislike them mind you - I just am not a quilt user. But there is something familiar and comfortable about them. When you walk into a persons house, if you see a quilt, they are either old enough to be considered wise, or so young and perhaps pitiful as not to be threatening - so either way it’s comforting.
You see, this couple was walking, one out front and leading, although obviously blind. The other, a half step behind, but guiding, obviously with full vision. The one leading was the woman. She seemed very comfortable, confident really, both in herself and in her guide. The one following, did their guiding both physically, verbally, and even ... ethereally, just by their presence. The fact that the one following was there, that they were approachable - trustworthy may be a better word here - the fact that they were available, this made them approachable and it seemed to communicate much.
But here is what struck me, and bear in mind, all of this took place rather swiftly. All within a few moments, because I was walking with my wife and a 3 year old boy dressed as a turtle while wearing cowboy boots. It struck me that I was watching the picture of discipleship. Someone fully capable, but yet blind at the same time. Able to do so much, but yet missing so much as well, unable to see the hazards and some of the joys of life. But they were being led by someone who was not oppressive, who did not carry them, did not even try to do it all through verbal communication, did not place them in a wheel chair, but did not leave them to the dangers and pitfalls either. This trusted guide did his duty gently, carefully, lovingly. They used every method; speech, physical touch, gentle nudges, a calming hand - all to guide someone who needed it not because they couldn't get through life without it, but because they could get through life easier with it.
Now, this is not to say that those who are visually impaired cannot have a fully enriched life, but that the world as we know it is predominately visually oriented and to be without that would leave one at a disadvantage. But it also leaves them with a much better picture of faith than I will ever had. Not something to be loosed when times are tough and we are willing to dust it off, but something that has to be used all day, every day. This is faith. And the guide is the faithful. The blind wanderer, and the guide. The seeker and the one who knows what it is to have sought.
I realized that to do this, to help the blind, you have to be willing and you have to communicate well. And you have to be trustworthy. And honest. And approachable. And non-judgmental, and non-threatening, and discerning. Kinda like walking with a believer ... whether in a evangelistic relationship, or a discipling relationship. Let’s face it, we are either with people who don’t know Jesus (which puts us as evangelists - bringers of the Truth) or we’re with a believer, which means we should be discipling one another.
Evangelizing and discipling is an art, it’s an attitude of grace. A position of love that we should choose to .. no ... that is a mandate in scripture. It’s a position that’s raw, that’s open and honest. It’s gentle, yet firm. It’s physical, and verbal. It’s leading, and guiding, and even at times, following. And it’s because as Christians, we are “overwhelmed and softened by the love of Jesus” (Dan Kimball) and that softness makes us love man as He did.
So go and lead the blind. Not because they are blind, but because we can see. Go be the sight to someone who does not see. Go help someone with the cracks in the sidewalks and in mankind and do this not because they are blind, but because you were blind. And now, you see.
Well, tomorrow we return from our tour. Somehow, calling it anything less
than that which constitutes and indicates combat sells the team short. To
say it ...
14 years ago
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